Sunday 28th of April 2024

English Tamil

Security the school children got from Ravi is in danger..!

2022-03-18 9252


4.5 million School children are helpless

(Shehara Dulanjali And Antony Agash) 


"The Suraksha Rakawaranaya" the security insurance for school children from grade one to grade thirteen  which was proposed and implemented by Ravi Karunanayake, the then Minister of Finance during the Good Governance  100 days program had been deprived for 4.5 school children  at present.

This security insurance scheme was implemented on a proposal made by Mr. Ravi Karunanayake as the Minister of Finance under the 100 days program of the Good Governance Government and accordingly 4.5 million school children studying from Year 1 to Year 13 were covered by this insurance policy.

However, this insurance has fallen to an inactivation state at present and as per the information, reported, the Ministry of Education has stated that more than 7,000 school children had not received compensation in 2021 while the insurance cover was in force.

Although the Ministry of Education had entered into an agreement with Sri Lanka Insurance for "Suraksha" insurance for the year 2021, the agreement expired on December 31 of that year and even though two and a half months have elapsed since the year 2022, it is reported that the Ministry of Education has not entered into an agreement with any insurance company for this insurance cover.

In this situation, "Suraksha" insurance cover is in danger of deprivation and the Ministry of Education had reserved Rs. 1600 to 1750 million for the insurance cover for 4.5 million school children.

The children were entitled to an insurance cover of Rs. 200,000 per annum for hospitalization, outdoor treatment, obtaining pharmacy bills, hearing aids, visual impairments and related tests under this “ Suraksha” insurance scheme. In addition, in the event of the death of the mother or father of a school child, the family was entitled to a compensation of Rs. 100,000 under this insurance cover.
